Just two random pictures I found of me from like, a month ago or something.
Ignore my eyebrows on this picture :\ I do believe I went and got them waxed the day after this picture, according to the date I uploaded this picture. Why do I remember such things?
I was playing around with a website that I use to edit pictures and this was the finishing product.
Sooooooo, back to today. My mock exam in R.E :\ 'eurgh' is the only 'word' that comes to mind. I had revised, I wanted to do well but in these exams, I always feel like I have rambled on when I didn't need to. I really need to get a good grade in the exam, higher than a C because that determines on whether or not I will be re-entered for the exam next year if I don't do so good the first time. Something like that anyway. I hope I did okay. I used to hate R.E in primary school, they didn't teach it well. Then I got to high school and now, I love it! As I go to a Catholic school, we have to do R.E which I am too happy about. You can express your opinion and debate on what you think about certain moral issues such as; abortion and euthanasia. I'm considering studying Theology at college as it sort of ties in with R.E.
Speaking of college, I need to send in my application form soon. I did want to go to Loreto, a really good Catholic college in town but the travelling would be too much to handle in my opinion. My second choice is Eccles College which is a short bus ride away. I've been there three times now to look around and I do like it. It's a daunting thought - I'm going to college in a few months time. I'm thinking about taking; Psychology, English Combined (which is English Language and English Literature put together), Health and Social Care. I have one last option left but I can't decide what to choose. I was thinking about Sociology as it ties in with Psychology but I also want to do Theology. I guess when the time is right, I'll know what I want to do. I'm also considering taking an enrichmen in Medicine if possible. I'll be a busy girl, that's for sure.
Anyway, today has been a boring post. I just fancied talking about my exam. Take care!