Monday, 22 November 2010

Mock exams are the worst.

Just two random pictures I found of me from like, a month ago or something.

 Ignore my eyebrows on this picture :\ I do believe I went and got them waxed the day after this picture, according to the date I uploaded this picture. Why do I remember such things?

I was playing around with a website that I use to edit pictures and this was the finishing product.

Sooooooo, back to today. My mock exam in R.E :\ 'eurgh' is the only 'word' that comes to mind. I had revised, I wanted to do well but in these exams, I always feel like I have rambled on when I didn't need to. I really need to get a good grade in the exam, higher than a C because that determines on whether or not I will be re-entered for the exam next year if I don't do so good the first time. Something like that anyway. I hope I did okay. I used to hate R.E in primary school, they didn't teach it well. Then I got to high school and now, I love it! As I go to a Catholic school, we have to do R.E which I am too happy about. You can express your opinion and debate on what you think about certain moral issues such as; abortion and euthanasia. I'm considering studying Theology at college as it sort of ties in with R.E.

Speaking of college, I need to send in my application form soon. I did want to go to Loreto, a really good Catholic college in town but the travelling would be too much to handle in my opinion. My second choice is Eccles College which is a short bus ride away. I've been there three times now to look around and I do like it. It's a daunting thought - I'm going to college in a few months time. I'm thinking about taking; Psychology, English Combined (which is English Language and English Literature put together), Health and Social Care. I have one last option left but I can't decide what to choose. I was thinking about Sociology as it ties in with Psychology but I also want to do Theology. I guess when the time is right, I'll know what I want to do. I'm also considering taking an enrichmen in Medicine if possible. I'll be a busy girl, that's for sure.

Anyway, today has been a boring post. I just fancied talking about my exam. Take care!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways.

 Before Cian's christening.

 I love my lipstick. I love Rimmel London.

I have a bigger nose than Pinnochio.

Today has been simply wonderful - really. I love special occassions when family and friends get together and everyone is happy. A lot of my family live abroad; some in Disbury - Canada, some in Cape Town - South Africa, others in Perth - Australia and my Uncle and Auntie in Phoenix - Arizona; and unfortunately, they don't come to our family gatherings but the people who do make it so special and make up for those who can't be here.

Cian's christening was lovely and he looked gorgeous in his little 'Mammas & Pappas' suit. The pictures are on my camera but they haven't had time to upload them on to my laptop. When I have uploaded them, I'll put them on here. After the service, we went to Worsley Old Hall in to a function room and I completely stuffed my face! We had tea, coffee, biscuits, huge cupcakes, chocolate fudge cake, strawberry cheesecake, mince pies and muffins. It was devine!

By the time I got home, I was in so much pain. I'm not a heels type of girl so walking around in quite high heels all day killed me! It was worth it though. I'm in love with the dress I bought from Republic and I'm praying that a party comes up so I can wear it again.

It's mock exam time in school for the next weeks. I thought having my early entry GCSE's on the week of my birthday was awful. But having exams for the next two weeks feels like hell. Great. Wish me luck? See you!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Hello Blogspot!

This, this is me.

Hello. So, this is my first time on here. You'll have to excuse me as it will probably take some getting used too - it shouldn't take long, I hope. I've basically joined blogspot for something to do. I always find myself with nothing to do and having this may end my boredom for a while, I don't know?

There is nothing interesting about me; I have flaws, I have fears, I've been hurt, I've been made happy. I've cried, I've laughed, I've loved and I've lost. I'm human, like everybody else and I can't be perfect.  Mistakes make us who we are in my opinion. I'm an average sixteen year old who just wants to grow up, but not too soon.

I guess I'll use this 'blog' to natter on about my everyday life, my problems, my opinions and views on things, etc. This is my first post and I don't have anything remotely interesting to talk about. I will tomorrow, it's my little brothers baptism - I can't wait. It's not often I get really dressed up, only on special occassions and tomorrow is one of them so I've bought myself a new dress and heels. Ill post pictures tomorrow probably. Bye for now.