This, this is me.
Hello. So, this is my first time on here. You'll have to excuse me as it will probably take some getting used too - it shouldn't take long, I hope. I've basically joined blogspot for something to do. I always find myself with nothing to do and having this may end my boredom for a while, I don't know?
There is nothing interesting about me; I have flaws, I have fears, I've been hurt, I've been made happy. I've cried, I've laughed, I've loved and I've lost. I'm human, like everybody else and I can't be perfect. Mistakes make us who we are in my opinion. I'm an average sixteen year old who just wants to grow up, but not too soon.
I guess I'll use this 'blog' to natter on about my everyday life, my problems, my opinions and views on things, etc. This is my first post and I don't have anything remotely interesting to talk about. I will tomorrow, it's my little brothers baptism - I can't wait. It's not often I get really dressed up, only on special occassions and tomorrow is one of them so I've bought myself a new dress and heels. Ill post pictures tomorrow probably. Bye for now.
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