Saturday, 18 December 2010

It's snowing!

 I really like this and the message it brings across about love.

 I want this top. I was looking at the Topshop website when I saw it. It looks lovely and warm!

 Messing around, I'd just gotten the floral top I have on and I wanted to see what it looked like on.

 I moan about my hair all the time, but when it comes down to it, I don't think I would want to change it.

 My last first day at school :-( I'm going to miss it when I leave!

 John O'Callaghan amazes me.

 This band is The Maine, I honestly love them! John O'Callaghan is the singer and he has the most amazing voice ever!

Next year on March the 3rd, I'm going to be in the same room as him! Arrrrrgh, I feel so lucky!

Me and Liv on Thursday at the fancy dress party for the Year 11's. One of the best nights that I have ever had! I love my year <3

Lets start with Thursday - the fancy dress party. It was wonderful. I had such an amazing time. Everybody was up dancing all night and towards the end, they were playing songs that really made us feel overwhelmed and emotional. They played Biffy Clyro - Many of Horror, Take That - Never Forget and Robbie Williams - Angels. Me, Liv and lots of other people (girls really) started crying, all hugging each other! It really hit home that we would all be leaving next year. At the end, everyone that went got in to a huge circle and wrapped our arms around each other for a final dance and at the end, all ran in for a huge hug. I really do love my year!

Also, I find out that this band called The Maine is doing a gig in Manchester at the Academy with Never Shout Never supporting, so my stepdad is ordering tickets for me and Liv to go. John, I shall see you soon! His voice is just, amazing! To top everything off, it has snowed! Yaaaay. It was on everybody's status on Facebook so I looked outside to find my garden covered in snow. It put a huuuuuuuuuuuge smile on my face!

I have loved this week, things are looking up again! I've realised how lucky I am and how much everybody means to me. Christmas is in exactly 7 days, wahooooooo!

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